5 Ways To Help Achieve A Better Work/Life Balance
Posted by Paul Clothier // August 26, 2016 // Blog
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Most people recognize the importance of hard work. In the real estate world outworking your competition is one of the secrets of success. While hard work is essential there are times when you need to take your foot off the gas. By focusing on your business all the time and working too hard it actually has an adverse effect. Instead of enjoying where you are you will build up stress that can actually cause you to sour on the business. The happiest, and most successful, people find a balance between working hard and enjoying life. By taking time out every now and then to reward success you will strive for that feeling again and again. Here are five tips to help achieve a better work/life balance.
- Dedicated Down Time. Working early in the morning and after hours is one of the ways to give you a leg up on your competition. For every early morning you are up reading emails and looking for deals you need to know when to shut it down. There is an expression that you should be wherever you are. If you are at home eating dinner with your family you should give that your undivided attention. If you have planned a vacation for months don’t waste it working on your mobile device for hours all day. You need to set dedicated times of the day when you do not think or focus on work at all. Sure, you may miss a phone call or an email but in the big picture it is ok. Without this break in your day you will lose perspective on what is really important. Work as hard as you can when you are working but always give yourself some time with your friends and family without any distractions.
- Find A Hobby. If you are a full time investor real estate shouldn’t double as your hobby. There are times when you just need to clear your head and get away from things for a little while. This could mean getting some exercise in the morning or reading a book in the evening. For some people this could mean a round of golf for others it could be going to a movie. Whatever you enjoy doing you should spend some time on during your day. If you really don’t have a hobby you should do something once a week that takes your mind away from real estate. It could mean joining an online club or taking that cooking class you have always wanted. Not only does finding a hobby give you a well needed break but it makes you a more interesting person. You will also find that your contacts will be more apt to work with you because you are not like every other investor in your area.
- Stay Connected With Friends & Family. As a real estate investor you will spend plenty of hours during your day in isolation. You may not even have a dedicated office where you can interact with other people. Some investors get used to this but for some it is a difficult adjustment. Not only do you need to stay in touch with people but you need to keep in contact with your friends and family. There is never a perfect time to meet for lunch or squeeze in a happy hour. You will always have something that you should be doing or somewhere you want to be. By breaking your routine once in a while you keep things fresh. A night out with an old friend or reconnecting with someone you haven’t seen in a while can be just what you need to help break through a rut. One of the reasons that you may have got into real estate in the first place is for the flexibility of schedule. Take advantage of this and make it a point to stay in contact with the people that mean the most to you.
- Build A Great Team. One of the surest ways of getting burned out is by trying to do everything yourself. As much as you may try you can’t be everywhere to everybody at once. There are times when you simply need to let go. The best way to do this is by surrounding yourself with the best possible team. By spending a little extra time finding a quality contractor, property manager, real estate agent and attorney you don’t have to do everything yourself. This allows you to spend more time focusing on areas you want or enjoying more of your day. Instead of staying up all night worrying about a specific aspect of your business you can relax and lean on the people around you.
- Work For A Goal. What are you working for? If you are like most people you are either saving for your children’s education or planning for an early retirement. These are certainly great goals but sometimes they are too far away to truly grasp. Instead of long term goals you should incorporate some short term goals as well. Is there a trip you would like to take? Is there a sporting event or a destination you want to see? Something as small as a weekend away can drive you to work hard every day. It will also give the little things in your day purpose and make the business more enjoyable. If you can’t enjoy the fruits of your labor then you should question why you are doing them in the first place.
As a real estate investor you are in control of many things. You control when you work how you work and oftentimes who you work with. By finding a work/life balance that you are comfortable with you will get the most out of every day.
– See more at: http://www.cthomesllc.com/2016/08/5-ways-help-achieve-better-worklife-balance/#sthash.k9EXt6XX.dpuf